Technical Reading and Writing
Technical reading is a strategy you can use to obtain a great amount of information in a short time from textbooks, professional journals, and other technical materials. In using technical reading, you ask yourself the questions the author is trying to ask, and then read to answer them.

Technical Reading and Writing
Level: CP
Open To: Grade 12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
BHS Graduation Standards: ELA
Description: This course is designed to develop student language, reading and composition skills in a manner relevant to labor market expectations. Emphasis is on reading strategies, student success strategies, and technical writing.
Using a learn-by-doing approach, students are introduced to the methods of writing used in business and technical documents. They will study and practice various forms of technical communication such as brief correspondence, informative reports, investigative reports, instructions, employment communication, recommendation reports, and proposals. Students will also study workplace ethics. This course meets the Senior English requirement for BHS students.