Business Education
Do you want to learn how to run a business and make a profile? Do you like working with and managing money? The Business Leadership program will introduce you to the business world and prepare you to excel in any business-related field or college program. Courses include: Intro to Business & Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Investing & Personal Finance, as well as additional electives in Marketing, Project Management, and Business Law. You will also have the opportunity to apply for the Small Business Management Certificate from YCCC if you attend both Junior and Senior year – earning you 18 college credits and a college credential!

Credit: 1
Learn to properly maintain business financial records according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Students will become familiar with the basic accounting system used in the United States today. Students will be introduced to the complete accounting cycle for service businesses organized as sole proprietorships as well as merchandising businesses (sells a product) organized as a corporation.This course is scheduled every other day and is a year long course. Students may gain a Math & Social Science credit for graduation by taking this course.
Earns 3 transferable college credits at YCCC for ACC111.
Business Leadership & Entrepreneurship
Credit: 2
For motivated students interested in owning their own business, working in supervisory management or attending college for Accounting, Finance, or Management which are some of the fastest growing fields for employment, learn how to establish, organize, promote and manage a business. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of skills needed to start and manage any trade or business venture. Topics include creating and presenting a business plan, related legal issues, marketing products or services, financial record-keeping, protecting assets, and managing human resources. Special emphasis will be placed on the key management functions of Leading, Planning, Organizing, Staffing and Controlling. Students may gain a Social Science credit for graduation by taking this course. Earns 6 transferable college credits through YCCC for BUS110 and BUS260.
Open to: Grades 11 & 12
Level: CP or Honors Credit: 2 (Honors level may earn 12 college credits)
For Honors/college credits you must have a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA and satisfactory attendance records.
Investing & Personal Finance
Credit: 1
Learn sound economic principles to handle your money, as well as intelligent investing in stocks, bonds or mutual funds. Students will learn the complete record-keeping, planning and money management activities necessary for successful completion of personal and family financial matters. Topics include making a budget, using credit wisely, and preparing income taxes. An introduction to the fundamentals of knowledgeable investing will follow, focusing on stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real estate. This course is a year long course. Students can gain two credits from the following disciplines; Math, Financial Literacy & Social Science credit at BHS for graduation by taking this course.
Earns 3 transferable college credits through YCCC for BUS113.
Advanced Business Electives
Credit: 1-3
A flexible class offering you the opportunity to take various online business electives with the support of our business teacher to help facilitate the class and guide your learning. The class may also serve as an opportunity for students to participate in business-related internship (speak with business teacher in advance).
Earns 3 transferable college credits through YCCC for each elective course you take: (BUS 210) Foundations of Project Management, (BUS 230) Marketing, (BUS 224) Business Law

Karen Gellis
Business Education Instructor
Mrs Gellis has been a lifelong entrepreneur. She has built several companies focused in the apparel industry. She started and grew her first business in 2003. The company manufactured uniforms for the chain restaurant industry. She sold that company in 2009 to HPI Direct based in Marrietta, Georgia. After selling the business, she decided to go into education. She spent several years working in the Saco School System. During that time she invented a sun hat for active water play during a family vacation. Her company, Swimlids was born.
The company grew slowly and organically via direct to consumer sales, wholesale sales, and private label. The company really took off when Swimlids was featured on Tory Johnson’s Good Morning America TV segment. Swimlids was awarded the 2020 SBA Woman Owned Business of the Year for Maine. Mrs. Gellis still runs and operates her business in a warehouse in Saco, Maine.
Mrs. Gellis has worked for several publicly traded companies as well, including Superior Uniform Group and Lands’ End Corporate. She has experience in many aspects of a business including but not limited to: customer service, purchasing, logistics, importing, accounting, design, strategy, sales/marketing, and operations.
Karen Gellis graduated from Providence College where she played Division I soccer and wrote and illustrated for the school newspaper.