Introduction to Medical Sciences
This course provides an introductory core curriculum designed to prepare students for further schooling in any of the major health occupations at the technical or professional levels, such as physician, nursing, medical technologist, radio logical technician, physical therapist, pharmacist, operating room technician, veterinarian, athletic trainer, respiratory therapist, dietitian, and others. A strong science curriculum in the classroom is combined with independent study and community experience with health professionals in various settings. The Introduction to Medical Sciences curriculum allows students to study at a college preparatory level, and gain employment skills. Students are awarded 2 science credits in Anatomy and Physiology and 2 credits for Intro. to Medical Science. Students may contract for honors credit with approval from their sending schools.

Introduction to Medical Sciences
#24056 & 24066
Level: CP or Honors
Open to: Grades 11-12 ( Grade 10 with Instructor permission)
Credit: 4 (Honors level earn college credits for 12th grade students)
Prerequisite: Chemistry or biology, great attendance, good interpersonal skills, and a strong work ethic. Active learners who are excited about the field of medicine.
Eligible for Dual / Concurrent Enrollment: SMCC,YCCC
BHS Graduation Standards: Life Science and Health credit
Description: This program prepares students to further their education on the professional or technical level in any of the 300+ health career fields. Students in this course learn human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Students will complete independent study in a variety of areas and may complete a number of job-shadowing in various healthcare fields (e.g. dental, therapy, dietary, radiology, etc.). These students will take the National Healthcare Foundations Skills Assessment certification exam and will be prepared to make an informed decision regarding their healthcare career choice and their college major.
Topics Covered:
Anatomy / Physiology
Health Careers Exploration
College Information
Patient Care Skills
Human Growth and Development
American Heart First Aid and CPR
Understanding Human Behavior

Rory Putnam
Intro to Medical Science Instructor
Rory Putnam is the EMS and Intro to Medical Sciences Instructor for Biddeford Regional Center of Technology. He is a Paramedic and educator from Windham, ME and owns Atlantic Life Safety, an EMS, Emergency Management & Safety education/consulting company in New England. He has over 31 years in private service, municipal and federal government EMS and EMA operations, education and communications management positions and still works in the field for York Ambulance. He has been published by EMS World Magazine, written peer-reviewed CEU articles, is a frequent state, regional and national speaker and a part time Lead Paramedic Instructor for EMTS, Inc in northern MA and Boston University's EMS Program. When he isn't saving lives or teaching about it, he is an avid boater, getting on the water as often as he can in his 17 ft wood hull antique Lyman runabout, the Ceilidh Mara with family and friends. He also loves to ski (when he can stay upright!), is an amateur nature and nautical photographer and loves all things Scottish in honor of his heritage (except haggis!).