Health Assistant - CNA
This is a college preparatory program designed for students who plan to further their knowledge in the Health Care field. All students will receive nursing assistant training. Even if you are not sure what career is best for you, This is the program to take! You will acquire valuable information to help you make that important career decision and/or help determine your college major.
Students must be 16 prior to the first day of classes at BRCOT.
Specific Vaccines are required by clinical host sites.

Health Assistant/CNA
#24016 & 24026
Level: CP or Honors
Open to: Grades 11 & 12
Credit: 4 (Honors level earns college credits)
Prerequisite: Biology and/or Chemistry. Students must be 16 years of age prior to the first day of classes at BRCOT. Appropriate reading, writing, and math skills for college-level coursework and excitement about the field of medicine.
BHS Graduation Standards: Life Science & Health credit
Eligible for Dual / Concurrent Enrollment: SMCC
Description: This rigorous college preparatory course is for students who enjoy working with people and are considering a career in the healthcare field. All students in this program pursue nursing assistant training. Students have classroom and laboratory experiences at the Center of Technology and 80 hours of clinical experience at a local nursing home and hospital. This program provides a strong science foundation that prepares students to continue their education in any of the health care fields or to work as a certified nursing assistant. All successful students will be eligible to take the Maine State Nursing Assistant exam. Students can also earn their CPR/Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider Certification. Similar training elsewhere may cost a student in excess of $1200, whereas high school students may take this program free of charge.

Amy Elie
Health Assistant/ CNA Instructor
Amy Elie has been a registered nurse since graduating from the University of Southern Maine's Nursing Program. Before arriving at the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology, she was the Biddeford High School Nurse for five years. She worked for 13 years at Maine Medical Center in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.