Career Exploration Courses

Career Exploration Courses are available for BHS students in grades 9-12. These interactive classes introduce you to a number of different fields that can help you make career choices or just learn something new in a fun way. Sign up for these courses through your BHS guidance counselor.

Instructors: Mr. Ethan Davis & Ms. Carole LePauloue

Introduction to Woodworking

Students will learn tool and machine safety practices, basic drafting skills, how to use woodworking tools and common finishing techniques. Both individual and group projects will be created using tools and skills learned in class. The skills gained in this course provide a good background for further study at the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology.



House Design & Construction

This class will cover the basics of what is involved in designing a house while providing an overview of how houses are constructed through construction of a Tiny House Model from the ground up. The information covered in this class should be of great value to anyone who is planning to own a house at some point, as well as being an excellent introduction to a variety of topics that can be studied in greater depth at the Center of Technology, such as Engineering and Architectural Design, and Residential construction. Skills learned will include precision hand drafting to prepare house plans, some basic woodworking and the safe and proper use of a variety of hand and power tools.

Project Bike

In the process of building a recumbent bicycle from the ground up, students will be introduced to a variety of hand and power tools as well as to the basic systems which make up the bicycle. The skills and knowledge from this class are widely useful outside of working on bikes, both in job situations and in general life. Topics in this class including metalworking, welding and brazing, and mechanical systems also will provide a good background for further study at the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology in such programs as Welding, Precision Machining, Automotive, Auto Body, and Plumbing.



Introduction To Programming

This is an exploratory course to introduce students to the concepts of programming, different programming languages, and basic app development. Students will also gain an understanding of computer logic, which will enhance problem solving skills. No previous coding experience is required as we will begin with block-style programming and work our way into other programming languages.

Introduction To Robotics

Students will build and program robots using problem solving strategies. Students will work hands-on in teams to design, build, program, and document their progress. Topics will include motor control, gear ratios, torque, friction, sensors, timing, program loops, and decision-making.


Advanced Robotics

A continuation of the Robotics course where students will explore robot mechanisms and intelligent controls. Various control and coding devices will be tested. Students will design and build a robotic system to complete a real-world task.

Introduction To Digital Media

Introduces basic skills and conceptual development in photography and related digital media. This course offers students opportunities to develop fundamental skills in photographic composition. Techniques include: Rule of Thirds, Balance, Light, Point of View, Pattern, Motion, Selective Focus, Contrast and Variety, Texture, Mood, Framing and Depth of Field. Students will be required to develop a print and/or electronic portfolio.



Materials Technology

This course covers the basics of the different types of Materials. The emphasis is on gaining confidence by using various tools to become acquainted with cutting, bending, and joining various materials. From safe work practices to employability skills, students will use materials as a tool for designing and creating physical models and products. We will touch upon materials used in Transportation, Construction, Manufacturing, Energy, and Communication Technology. Students explore basic skills in the Identity of and use of Industry tools and to handle materials safely. We will apply the Design Theory, critical thinking skills, decision-making and teamwork to practical applications and productions. This is an introductory class to give students exposure to a potential BRCOT program.

Exploring Trades

This program is an unique opportunity to explore a variety of trades. This fun filled interactive  class will provide an opportunity to learn about the different trades and technical careers such as welding, automotive repair, engineering and others. You will acquire basic skills that will prove fundamental if you decide to continue your education at the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology.



Food & Farming Production

This course will introduce the students to the skills, knowledge and science around healthy food production at both the large scale and home scale levels. A variety of related material will be covered, and in the process, the student will gain experience using a variety of hand and power tools. Topics in this class also will provide good background for further study at the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology (COT). Examples of such topics include nutrition and nutritious food production which connects with the health related programs (CNA, EMT and Medical assisting) and the fabrication of structures for growing food which ties in to the Residential Construction program.

Energy & Power

Students will learn the fundamentals of energy, through hands-on and in-class activities; what it is, how we obtain it, and how we have learned to use it. The skills and knowledge introduced in the class helps to understand how and why things work, which can be very useful both professionally, at home (when fixing things) and even just for fun! This class also serves as an introduction to many topics covered in more detail in courses offered at the Center of Technology (COT), including electrical, plumbing (Heating and cooling), engineering, automotive and more.


Tool Time

This course offers students the opportunity to work with their hands as they explore a wide variety of tools used in various professions. Areas of instruction will be project based and emphasize the safe use of hand and power tools traditionally used in careers involving woodworking, metalworking, residential construction, and tools often used for common home repairs. Students enrolled in the class will be required to use a variety of materials to build small projects which are appropriate for the time constraints of the semester class. (Due to the cost of materials, students will also be required to purchase materials for individual projects that go above and beyond the scope of the class projects.)