Manufacturing Technology
The Manufacturing Technology program offers students a project based opportunity to learn the machine trade by creating prototypes. Machining metal is the process of metal removal to create parts for everything from bicycle gears to jet engines. Students will learn how to use lathes, drill presses, milling machines, grinders and how to use precision measuring tools like verniers and micrometers to check the accuracy of the parts made to .001 of an inch, less than the diameter of a human hair. The projects may come from the community or students may design their own parts to create. Advanced students will do crossover projects with the Drafting class to learn more about engineering and CAD. Field trips to local companies will allow students to see the total manufacturing process. Articulation agreements are in place with SMCC and CMCC.

Manufacturing Technology I
#27176 & 27186
Open to: Grades 11 & 12 (Grade 10 with instructor’s permission)
Credit: 4
Prerequisite: Strong basic math skills, positive attendance history, and the ability to read, comprehend and write at the high school level are recommended for success in this program. Able to work both independently and as part of a team.
BHS Graduation Standards: Math Credit
Description: Do you like to make or create things from raw materials using machines? This course will allow you to practice entry level skills that are in high demand in our community, and throughout the nation. This is a program where you will learn how to set up and operate a variety of machines to remove material (subtractive machining) to make finished parts from start to end, and reading blueprints as you progress through a series of projects in the lab. You will learn how to use and run CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. Learn the fundamental skills in operating machinery like: a manual lathe, milling machine, surface grinder, CNC lathe, and CNC Milling Centers.
Manufacturing Technology II
#27196 & 27206
Open to Grade: 12
Credit: 4
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Manufacturing Technology I
BHS Graduation Standards: Math Credit
Description: Manufacturing Technology II is a continuation of the first course where students will continue to improve their skills for employment. This year you will learn how to program those computerized milling machines (CNC) by learning its computer language (FANUC) to create metal parts to an accuracy of plus or minus the thickness of a sheet of paper. We will take field trips to local manufacturing facilities to see state-of-the-art equipment being used to make high quality (and high value) parts for the aerospace, military, and medical industry. Successful completion of the course will enable graduates to fill full-time positions in the Precision Manufacturing trades.

Tim Fenimore
Manufacturing Technology Instructor
Mr. Fenimore is the new manufacturing instructor at Biddeford Regional Center of Technology. He graduated from Central Maine Community College in 2005 with an associates degree in Precision Machining, and has been working in the industry since 2003. He has machined parts for a wide range of industries, ranging from defense contractors to semiconductor manufacturers. Mr. Fenimore has worked in a number of shops in southern Maine, and has experience in both manual and CNC machining, along with CNC programming. He is currently enrolled in the CTE program at EMCC. When he is not in front of a machine, Mr. Fenimore enjoys being outdoors, or up at his camp!