Emergency Medical Services
The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program provides students with skills necessary to respond to emergency calls, provide efficient and immediate care to critically ill or injured persons and transport patients to a medical facility. The training program is a one-year course that includes classroom and hands-on education. Students receiving instruction in anatomy and physiology, patient assessment, treatment, and care.

Emergency Medical Services
# 24086 & 24086
Level: CP
Open to: Grades 10, 11 & 12 Grade 10 with Instructor permission)
Credit: 4
Prerequisite: Must be 16 years of age prior to January 1st. Appropriate reading, writing, and math skills for college-level coursework and interest in the field of medicine.
BHS Graduation Standards: Science & Health credit
Eligible for Concurrent Enrollment: SMCC
Description: The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program provides students with skills necessary to respond to emergency calls, provide efficient and immediate care to critically ill or injured persons and transport patients to a medical facility. The EMT training program is a one-year course that includes classroom and hands-on education. Students receive instruction in anatomy and physiology and patient assessment. Extensive reading and written work is required. Upon completion of the course the student will be eligible to take the National Registry EMT written and skills exams. Successful completion of those exams will gain the student National Registry certification as an EMT Basic and make the student eligible to obtain licensure as a Maine EMT-B.

Rory Putnam
Emergency Medical Services Instructor
Mr Putnam is the EMS and Intro to Medical Sciences Instructor for Biddeford Regional Center of Technology. He is a Paramedic and educator from Windham, ME and owns Atlantic Life Safety, an EMS, Emergency Management & Safety education/consulting company in New England. He has over 31 years in private service, municipal and federal government EMS and EMA operations, education and communications management positions and still works in the field for York Ambulance. He has been published by EMS World Magazine, written peer-reviewed CEU articles, is a frequent state, regional and national speaker and a part time Lead Paramedic Instructor for EMTS, Inc in northern MA and Boston University's EMS Program. When he isn't saving lives or teaching about it, he is an avid boater, getting on the water as often as he can in his 17 ft wood hull antique Lyman runabout, the Ceilidh Mara with family and friends. He also loves to ski (when he can stay upright!), is an amateur nature and nautical photographer and loves all things Scottish in honor of his heritage (except haggis!).