Plumbing and Heating
Have you considered pursuing a challenging and a high-paying career in the plumbing and/or heating field? The plumbing and heating trades are one of the most attractive sectors of the skilled trades industry thanks to the good pay, varied work, and potential for advancement. The first year of this program offers students a nationally-recognized educational training curriculum that provides students a pathway to become a licensed plumber. This program also benefits students who are interested in mechanical engineering, HVAC and green power technologies. Year two of the program, you will be introduced to a career in heating technology. This challenging and relevant plumbing program prepares you towards the State of Maine Journeyman’s License Exam, OSHA 10 Certification and preparation for LP & Natural Gas License and Refrigerant Certifications.

Plumbing & Heating Technology I & II
#27256 & 27266
#27276 & 27286
Level: CP
Open to: Grade 11- 12 (Grade 10 with instructor’s permission)
Credit: 4
Prerequisite: Strong basic math skills,positive attendance history, and the ability to read, comprehend and write at the high school level are recommended for success in this program. Able to work both independently and as part of a team.
BHS Graduation Standards: Physical Science
Description: Have you considered pursuing a challenging and a high-paying career in the plumbing and/or heating field? The plumbing and heating trades are one of the most attractive sectors of the skilled trades industry thanks to the good pay, varied work, and potential for advancement. The first year of this program offers students a nationally-recognized educational training curriculum that provides students a pathway to become a licensed plumber. This program also benefits students who are interested in mechanical engineering, HVAC and green power technologies. Year two of the program, you will be introduced to a career in heating technology. This challenging and relevant plumbing program prepares you towards the State of Maine Journeyman’s License Exam, OSHA 10 Certification and preparation for LP & Natural Gas License and Refrigerant Certifications.

Fred Jokinen
Plumbing And Heating Instructor
Mr Jokinen is the new Plumbing and Heating instructor here at Biddeford Regional Center of Technology. I got into the trade in 2009 by way of a 5-year apprenticeship. In addition to residential experience, I have also worked on numerous commercial sites such as at schools, hospitals, Power plants, and even on Submarines. I am a licensed Master Plumber here in the state of Maine. I also have a propane and Natural Gas license, and I’m an authorized OSHA instructor.
I look forward to meeting the students and my goal is to not only teach practical knowledge, but to also provide them with hands-on experience that will enable them to seek employment in the trade upon graduation if they choose to do so. Since plumbers are always in demand, the trade offers a lot of stability, especially during these uncertain times.
On that note, this program is a two-year training that will result in the student having a significant advantage in starting a career in the plumbing and heating trade. Students can gain licensing upon completion and be on their way to getting a masters license. I am very passionate about technical education, and while this year will look different from past years, I’m confident that we will cover a lot, and have fun along the way.