Business Training

Law School Preparation Course
Cost: $300

You’ve probably heard the horror stories about that grueling first year of law school. That’s likely the main reason you signed up for this course! Rest assured that you’ve done the right thing. The best way to avoid the pitfalls of the first set of courses is to prepare yourself for the unique way you’ll need to study in law school. And this course is designed to give you the tools you need to be ready for the first year of law school and beyond.

JAN 11 - Session 1: January 11th to February 26th, 2021

MAR - 8 - Session 2: March 8th to April 23rd, 2021

MAY - 3 - Session 3: May 3rd to June 18th, 2021

JUN - 28 - Session 4: June 28th to August 13th, 2021

Advanced Teaching Online
Cost: $195

In the 21st century, half of all learning will be online.  The opportunities are tremendous for teaching online.  Discover how to plan, develop and teach an online course. Take home a ten step model for developing your online course.  Experience one of the most advanced online classrooms for teachers. Learn how to create online audio lectures with slide shows. Plus, find out how self quizzes enhance learning. See an animation, drop-and-drop exercise, and dynamite welcome pages. Engage in online discussion with other teachers. An instructor’s book, Advanced Teaching Online, is included.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to 30th, 2021

Certificate in Online Teaching
Cost: $495

How do you manage the finances of a business? Whether you are an entrepreneur, running a family business, or just looking to advance your career and add to your skill set, this Bookkeeping Certificate will provide you with the knowledge needed to measure, and manage, the financial health of your business. This program focuses on cash basis accounting. No one will care more about the financial health of your business than you! It’s imperative that you understand how the process works and are able to complete the accounting cycle accurately and in a timely fashion. Even if you plan to outsource your bookkeeping needs, you should still understand how the process works. No one should be clueless when it comes to the finances of their business.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to April 30th, 2021

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to July 2nd, 2021

Improving Email Promotions
Cost: $195

Discover new ways to improve your email promotions, including when to email, what to email, and testing email copy. Then find out how to analyze your email response rates, including getting the bench marks for open rates and click through rates. Learn how to improve your email promotion and responses with tracking and testing.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021 for 4 weeks

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to 30th, 2021 for 4 weeks

Introduction to Social Media
Cost: $195

Get involved in the move from in-person to online communication. Learn what social media are and their role in your business and personal life. Find out the top sites and how businesses are using the sites for communication, customer retention, branding, marketing, market research, needs assessment and serving customers and clients. Explore the options for your organization. Look at case studies of what other organizations are doing. Let your instructor guide your exploration of Facebook and YouTube. For anyone interested in social media.

FEB 1 session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021
for 12 weeks

APR 5 session 2: April 5th to 30th, 2021
for 12 weeks

Mastering Computer Skills in the Workplace
Cost: $195

Must-have skills to succeed in the workplace include the ability to create, edit and manage presentations in MS PowerPoint, documents in MS Word, email and calendars in MS Outlook, and spreadsheets in MS Excel. Microsoft Office Suite of applications is the most used software tool in the world. Stay current with this class, as it is always up-to-date and will change as the features of MS Office change over time. Master the most common uses so that you can work faster and more efficiently and can take your computer skills from plain and drab to exciting and engaging. You will leave class with a set of skills that are a workplace requirement in today’s fast paced ever-changing environment and will enable your future career success.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021

Understanding Debits and Credits
Cost: $195

In this course, you will learn about the accounting equation and the five categories involved in every business (Assets, Liabilities, Owner’s Equity, Revenue and Expenses). Every financial transaction falls into one or more of these categories. Learn how to create a chart of accounts that meet the needs of your business. You will learn how double entry bookkeeping works and the process of recording debits and credits. This course will show you how to identify, analyze and record transactions using journal entries under the cash basis accounting method.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to 30th, 2021

Boosting Your Website Traffic
Cost: $195

Acquire the basic skills to boost your web site traffic, including how to analyze your visitor traffic, how to use search engine optimization to get greater visibility and exposure in Google searches, and how to redesign your web site copy to increase your visitors and results.

MAR 1 Session 1: March 1st to 26th, 2021
for 4 weeks

MAY 3 Session 2: May 3rd to 28th, 2021
for 4 weeks

Designing Online Instruction

Learn about the online instructional environment, envisioning your online course, developing a web course, phases of design and development, design guidelines, and more. Discover the principles behind the adoption of technology innovation and the nature of the online learning environment. Then get tips for planning your online course, identifying resources and design guidelines. Discuss the phases of design and development and models, motivating student-student interaction, and managing interaction.  Get the latest information on copyright issues, assessment and evaluation.

MAR 1 Session 1: March 1st to 26th, 202

MAY 3 Session 2: May 3rd to 28th, 2021

General Ledger and Month End Procedures
Cost: $195

In this course, you will learn how to post journal entries to the correct general ledger accounts impacted by each transaction. This course will show you how to make sure your general ledger balances at the end of each month by preparing an unadjusted trial balance. You will learn how to look for errors when you don’t balance, and how to determine to correct entries. After posting correcting entries and/or adjusting entries, you will verify debits and credits equal with an adjusted trial balance. This course also goes through the steps of performing monthly bank reconciliations.

MAR 1 Session 1: March 1st to 26th, 2021

MAY 3 Session 2: May 3rd to 28th, 2021

Legal Nurse Consultant Training
Cost: $1,195

This exciting program prepares Registered Nurses and Physician’s Assistants for a career in the legal field as legal nurse consultants. Building on the medical education and clinical experience of RNs and PAs, this course provides the RN and PA with fundamental skills necessary to advise law firms, health care providers, insurance companies, and governmental agencies regarding medically-related issues and to appear in court as expert witnesses. The curriculum of this course is designed to comply with the educational guidelines specified by the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants. Successful graduates will be awarded a Certificate of Course Completion from the university through which they are registered.

MAR 8 Session 2: March 8th to April 23rd, 2021

MAY 3 Session 3: May 3rd to June 18th, 2021
for 7 weeks

JUN 28 Session 4: June 28th to August 13th, 2021

Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is the industry standard page-layout program that works with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop seamlessly. InDesign allows you to create simple to complex multi-page documents such as brochures, flyers, books and magazines. This course is a comprehensive exploration of InDesign tools and capabilities to create professional documents. You will learn how to manage the InDesign environment, create, setup, design, enhance and finalize multi-page documents. Access to Adobe InDesign software required.

APR 5 Session 1: April 5th to 30th, 2021

Data Analysis, Advanced
Cost $195

After taking this Advanced course in Data Analysis, you will be able to perform inquiries that will be useful to your business or organization, and have the skill necessary to communicate these results through graphs and text that your fellow employees will understand. Take the guesswork out of important company decisions and make decisions based on statistically significant information. Whether your business is home based or a large company, this class will take you to the next level where important decision-making is concerned.

APR 5 Session 1: April 5th to 30th, 2021
for 4 weeks

JUN 7 Session 2: June 7th to July 2nd, 2021
for 4 weeks

Online Advertising
Cost: $195

Get the keys to making online advertising work for you and your organization. See how pay-per-click advertising with Google AdWords works. Find out how to test low budget Adword campaigns. Learn how you can target local audiences. Then discover Facebook advertising and how you can determine the demographics and even numbers of people you want to reach.

APR 5 Session 1: April 5th to 30th, 2021
for 4 weeks

JUN 7 Session 2: June 7th to July 2nd, 2021
for 4 weeks

Adobe Illustrator
Cost: $225

Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard computer illustration software. Use Illustrator to draw shapes and design logos, flyers, posters, banners, business cards or any other vector graphics for print or web. In this course, you will learn Adobe Illustrator fundamentals to set up a print document and use various tools to draw, type and color all kinds of shapes and illustrations. Learn how to efficiently manage layers and artboards, and create print-ready PDF documents. Access to Adobe Illustrator software required.

FEB -1 - Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021

Bookkeeping Certificate

How do you manage the finances of a business? Whether you are an entrepreneur, running a family business, or just looking to advance your career and add to your skill set, this Bookkeeping Certificate will provide you with the knowledge needed to measure, and manage, the financial health of your business. This program focuses on cash basis accounting.

No one will care more about the financial health of your business than you! It’s imperative that you understand how the process works and are able to complete the accounting cycle accurately and in a timely fashion. Even if you plan to outsource your bookkeeping needs, you should still understand how the process works. No one should be clueless when it comes to the finances of their business.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to April 30th, 2021

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to July 2nd, 2021

Data Analysis, Introduction
Cost: $195

Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data to see trends and make predictions. This course will give you a basic understanding of how to analyze data in a business setting. Businesses look for candidates with an understanding of how to analyze the data they have been collecting.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to 30th, 2021

Introduction to Project Management

In today’s business environment, there is a need for good project management.  Project management provides visibility of project health to the business and the customer.  Through continuous monitoring, early detection of variations to plan, schedule, and budget can be communicated to stakeholder for quick resolution, including project cancelation. Project management is one of the fastest paths to promotion by increasing your network through greater exposure.  You will have the skills, tools and templates to confidently develop and maintain a project.  An overview of salaries, certification costs, education and experience requirements are provided.  We hope you will choose Project Management as a career.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021
for 4 weeks

PR 5 Session 2: April 5th to 30th, 2021
for 4 weeks

Keys to Customer Service
Cost: $145

Learning to build your customer service skills will have a powerful impact on your career success as well as success in other areas of your life. Through this course you will discover the direct relationship between service skills and career achievement. You will become skilled at being an exceptional service provider. You can help your organization and your career by translating your good service intentions into a workable plan and gain knowledge of ways to consistently deliver great service. The payoff is enormous.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to 26th, 2021
for 4 weeks

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to 30th, 2021
for 4 weeks

Social Media for Business Certificate
Cost: $495

Get in on this exciting and growing way to communicate, market and serve your customers and clients.  For businesses, nonprofits, government, and other organizations. From Facebook to Twitter, blogging, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more, discover the new principles of communication that apply across all networks and how these specific social networks work and the possible uses for your organization.  Learn how social networks are used to develop a two-way communication and marketing strategy for your organization. Then find out what you can be doing, what you should be doing, and take back a plan to integrate social networks into your communication and marketing. Whether you are new to social networks or already involved, you will come away with both an understanding of social networks and practical, how-to techniques to integrate social networks into your organization or business. Your instructors are outstanding practitioners who also speak, write, and train others on social networks.

FEB 1 Session 1: February 1st to April 30th, 2021
for 12 weeks

APR 5 Session 2: April 5th to July 2nd, 2021
for 12 weeks

Adobe Photoshop
Cost: $225

This fundamental course covers Adobe Photoshop CC most commonly used tools, menus and panels. You’ll learn all the basics of Photoshop to effectively work with selection and editing tools, layers, and masks to edit, retouch and enhance existing images or create your own composite digital art work. Impress your business organization, friends and family by enhancing their photos and create magazine cover quality enhanced images. Access to Adobe Photoshop software required.

MAR 1 Session 1: March 1st to 26th, 2021

Data Analysis, Intermediate
Cost: $195

Many of your business decisions involve comparing groups for differences. For example, would men and women prefer different product features? In addition, you may look at relationships between variables. Does product recognition relate to subsequent product purchase? This Intermediate Data Analysis course will introduce you to the statistics behind these group differences and relationships. In addition, you’ll learn how to work with ratings, graphs and user-friendly reports of statistical results.

MAR 1 Session 1: March 1st to 26th, 2021
for 4 weeks

MAY 3 Session 2: May 3rd to 28th, 2021
for 4 weeks

Extraordinary Customer Service

Transform your customer service into something extraordinary. As a result more repeat business will improve your bottom line. Customer service separates you from your competition. Extraordinary customer service comes from focusing on the few essential elements that yield big results. Discover how easy it is to tweak your customer service from the ordinary to the extraordinary. You'll take away a customer service plan that will help you focus on the key elements that will get you started on your pathway to success.

MAR 1 Session 1: March 1st to 26th, 2021 for 4 weeks

MAY 3 Session 2: May 3rd to 28th, 2021
for 4 weeks

Project Management Processes
Cost $195

Acquire a well-rounded knowledge of the five Project Management Processes relating to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide. This basic information will assist you in learning the beginnings of Project Management, whether you are interested in project management, in a project management field, or in any line of work. Come away with a solid foundation of the five processes to learn and use when any type of project occurs in your employment arena.

MAR 1 Session 1: March 1st to 26th, 2021
or 4 weeks

MAY 3 Session 2: May 3rd to 28th, 2021
for 4 weeks

Paralegal Certificate Course
Cost: $1595

Are you looking for a challenging career in a growing market? Paralegals provide essential assistance to lawyers, corporations, and other organizations, and they have established themselves as a crucial part of the legal system. Now is the time to invest in your future, and start your career as a paralegal professional, and we can help.

MAR 8 Session 2: March 8th to April 23rd, 2021

MAY 3 Session 3: May 3rd to June 18th, 2021
for 7 weeks

JUN 28 Session 4: June 28th to August 13th, 2021

Closing Procedures and Financial Statements
Cost: $195

This course shows you how to create a worksheet used to adjust the account balances and prepare the financial statements. Use your financial statements to measure performance, make improvements and set goals. The final step covered in this course is closing your books and preparing them for the next accounting period; this is done by journalizing and posting closing entries.

APR 5 Session 1: April 5th to 30th, 2021

JUN 7 Session 2: June 7th to July 2nd, 2021

Fostering Online Discussion
Cost: $195

Being engaged with your online learners throughout the course is one of the three biggest weaknesses of online teachers. It is also one of the three biggest ways to take your online course to the next level, making it a superior learning experience for your learners.    Come experience how to do it from the creator of the concept and practice of ‘continual engagement’ in teaching.  Discover how to build student success through your interaction, how to give online learners feedback, communicating with them about everything from subject matter to delicate issues to grading. You will come away with advanced, practical, how-to tips from one of the foremost authorities on fostering online discussion. And you will see how your instructor models great interaction and engagement in the online environment.

APR 5 Session 1: April 5th to 30th, 2021

JUN 7 Session 1: June 7th to July 2nd, 2021

Project Management Knowledge Areas
Cost: $195

In today’s business environment, there is a need for good project management. Project management provides visibility of project health to the business and the customer. Through continuous monitoring, early detection of variations to plan, schedule, and budget can be communicated to stakeholders for quick resolution, including project cancellation. The Project Management Professional community does this through the five (5) Project Management Processes supported by the ten (10) Project Management Knowledge Areas. This course introduces the student to the ten (10) Project management Knowledge Areas and their support role and relationships to the five (5) Project Management Processes.

APR 5 Session 1: April 5th to 30th, 2021
for 4 weeks

JUN 7 Session 2: June 7th to July 2nd, 2021
for 4 weeks