New and Existing Students: Please use the above form to request new transportation for your child(ren).
Please read over the above form. Your child(ren) are expected to follow the same rules/guidelines set in place at school.
Coordinating transportation needs is a major undertaking to finalize bus routes, stops, times, number of runs required, and record in Infinite Campus. At the start of school, completing transportation information is extremely important.
See walking boundaries here.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures/Maps
If your child has not changed schools and/or addresses. Their bus will remain the same. There is no need to contact us to arrange transportation.
Updated bus information will be in the BusRight app. If the information in the app is not correct. Please update us ASAP! So we can ensure your child has the correct transportation before the start of school. If you do not have the BusRight app. Please contact the bus office and we can send you an invite.

Here is a quick 5 minute video on how to utilize this app.
Other Bus Information
Please call us at the bus office or email us at with any other questions or concerns.
Contact Info
Mike Hallett, Director of Transportation
371 Hill Street, Biddeford, ME 04005