Biddeford Education Foundation: Investing in tomorrow's future today!

BEF Logo

Our Mission

The Biddeford Public School Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to manage and distribute funds raised to enrich the educational experience for the students of Biddeford. Through partnerships with the community and district, the Foundation will provide resources outside the normal school budget to support food, rent relief, clothing, augment teaching, encourage academic excellence, and maximize opportunities for students from Pre-K through Grade 12.

Click Here to donate or learn more about the Foundation's support and funding below.

Supporting the Whole Child

Many hands to support trauma

Trauma/ACEs/Biddeford 365

To date, the BEF has utilized grant funding to assist with ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) training and supporting our students in building resilience. We recognize secondary trauma is also a concern as staff process the trauma their students endure.  One of the strategies to support youth is a program called Biddeford 365 – a vacation/summer camp providing youth an opportunity to break the stranglehold of trauma.  In partnership with the schools, a safe environment with positive, long-lasting experiences and interactive programming will be offered for underprivileged youth.

homeless child  food insecure

Backpack Program & Kids in Need

Homelessness and food insecurity continue to be barriers for many of our students. In partnership with YouthFull Maine, Good Shepherd Food Bank, Apex, and many generous community partners, the Foundation helps support students' hunger needs through our Backpack program. In addition, the Foundation's Relief Fund purchases clothing, books, and personal hygiene products, and staff assist families in identifying resources to aid in securing affordable housing.

Robot project

Teacher Mini-Grants

The Foundation continues to support teacher mini-grants allowing educators to think outside the box for innovative learning opportunities that would otherwise not be covered in the normal school budget. To date, the BEF has supported $15,321 in teacher mini-grants. To learn more click here.

Mini-Grant Application


Board of Directors

President: Shelley Kane

Treasurer: Ashley Hicks

Secretary: Michele Landry


Briana Lagasse

Brian Curit

Jennifer Burke

Jeremy Ray

Jessica Aberle

John McCurry

Kerrie Edgerton

Jeffrey Zdunczyk - Woodman Edmands Danylik Austin Smith & Jacques, P.A.



Pillars of Pride:
Held each fall, the Annual Biddeford Education Foundation Pillars of Pride event honors and recognizes community partners who have been longtime contributors of learning to the Biddeford School Department and signifies pride in this community. Support may be for K-12 schools, the Regional Center of Technology, or athletic programs, and it must have made a positive impact on our school community. The inaugural Pillars of Pride dinner and silent auction was held on October 29, 2016, and continues to remain the primary fundraiser for the Foundation.

Education Foundation Fund:
Donors may choose to donate to the Education Foundation Fund. Funds received will go to support all identified priority areas. A donor to this fund also has the option to select a specific area to support.

Memorial Funds:
Families may choose to establish memorial funds as a tribute to their loved ones.  The funds may be designated to a specific program or where the need is greatest to support students in need.

Congratulations to the Pillars of Pride Recipients

Rotary Club of Biddeford-Saco

2024 - Rotary Club of Biddeford-Saco

2023 - Roger Raymond & Joe Fairfield

2022 ~ Denise D'Entremont & Apex Youth Connection

2019 ~ Ron Cote & Robert Hodge

2018 ~ Dana Peck & Sarah Jane Poli

2017 ~ Lou Chantigny & Bonita Pothier

2016 ~ Roland Eon & Jim Godbout

Thank You To Our 2024 Pillars of Pride Sponsors

JimGodbout Logo

Provencher Fuels Logo

Maine Community Bank Logo

Saco Biddeford Savings Logo

PC insurance logo

Biddeford Saco Rotary Logo

The Lincoln Hotel Logo

Maureen Grandmaison Photography Logo


Saco Vet logo

Locke & Son Plumbing & Heating Logo




Diverse Anecdote Logo

Rousseau Insurance Logo

Great Falls Construction Logo

Batson River Logo

Kennebunk Savings Bank Logo

Atlantic Federal Credit Union Log


Contact BEF

Shelley Kane, Foundation President
18 Maplewood Avenue, Biddeford, ME 04005