Faculty and Staff Evaluation System
It is the position of the Maine Department of Education that “systemic changes to standards, curricula, instructional practices and assessment will achieve little if efforts are not made to ensure that every school learner has access to highly effective teachers and school leaders.” With this position statement serving as the cornerstone of its work, the Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth (PEPG) Committee of the Biddeford School Department spent school year 2014-2015 developing its teacher and principal evaluation system. A healthy exchange of ideas with teachers, school committee members, community members, union representatives, teachers, and administrators has resulted in thoughtful plan. The plan has been revisited by the Steering Committee several times since, and its most current iteration will be housed on this web page.
Faculty and Staff Evaluation System
Observation and Evaluation Protocol
PEPG Draft Document
PEPG System Guidebook for Building Leaders
Professional Improvement Plan
The plan is approved by the Maine Department of Education.