IEP Initiation Forms
At the beginning of the school year, complete IEP Meeting Initiation Forms for each of your students. On the form, please make sure you include the following information:
When the annual meeting is due by
If it is a triennial, when the triennial is due by
ALL service providers that need to be invited (Speech, OT, PT, BCBA/Behavior Interventionist, Social Work, etc.)
If the student is an ML student and the parents need an interpreter, please include that an interpreter is needed and what language.
Give these forms to the Special Education Secretary at your school so that they have them for the entire year.

Written Notices
The administrator that was running the IEP meeting will send you the meeting notes for you to enter into your written notice
Complete the written notice in EDMS
Email your building SPED secretary saying that the Written Notice is complete in EDMS and ready to be sent home. Please indicate whether the parent(s) would like the written notice sent electronically or by mail
The SPED secretary will send it home and print a copy for the file. She will put in the WN the date that it was sent to the parent.

Writing IEP's
Prior to any meeting to determine eligibility or consider a change in eligibility, an adverse effect form must be filled out
Complete IEP in EDMS
Submit the IEP OR email your building IEP coordinator letting them know it is ready to be checked (if it is submitted, they get a notification)
Once the IEP is approved the IEP coordinator will email SPED secretary saying that the IEP is complete in EDMS and ready to be sent home. you will be copied on this email, so you know that it is approved
Please indicate to your IEP coordinator whether the parent would like the IEP sent home electronically or by mail
The secretary will then send it home and print a copy for the file

Email a copy of your evaluation to your building SPED secretary with a space for the date submitted and that date filled in. Please indicate whether this should be sent home electronically or by mail
The secretary will send it home, put a copy in the file, and upload it to EDMS
If there is a concern for meeting the deadline to get it to the parent, you should be sending it to the parent and letting the secretary know so that they can just put it in the file and in EDMS (these instances should be few and far between)

Consent for Evaluation
Complete Consent for Evaluation in EDMS
Email secretary saying that the consent is complete and ready to be sent to the parent to be signed. Please indicate if parent would like this sent electronically or by mail
Secretary will send it to the parents (either through docusign or hard copy if you specify) and once they receive it back they will let team members know, upload to EDMS, and put a copy in the file.
If you send it home in a backpack to be signed and it comes back, please send it to SPED secretary so they can let all the team members know, upload to EDMS, and put a copy in the file.
Once the consent comes back, fill out an IEP Initiation Form so that the secretary knows to schedule a meeting.

Translating IEPs, Written Notices, Evaluations, etc.
Send completed evaluation in word format (if possible) to Mimi (Marianne) Hooper ( and indicate which language it needs to be translated in to.
When it is complete, Mimi will email back to you.
Send to SPED secretary to be sent to the parents. Also, send them the version in English. Please indicate if the parent wants this to be sent via mail.
Scheduling Interpreters for Testing
Email your building IEP coordinator with the following information:
Name of student or parent you will be meeting with
Language needed for interpreter
Date and time needed (or a list of possible dates/times)
The IEP coordinator will schedule the interpreter through Catholic Charities Language Partners and will email you the confirmation once the interpreter is scheduled.

Progress Notes
Complete progress notes in EDMS. Make sure you provide an explanation for each rating
If you are not the case manager, make sure you get the progress notes done at least 3 days prior to the date that they are sent home to give case managers time to look them over.
Case Managers- email the progress notes home on the date that report cards/progress notes go home. Also, please print a copy and give to your SPED secretary to put in the student's file.
If the parent requests a paper copy of the progress report, print a copy and send home in the backpack or ask your SPED secretary to mail. Make sure secretary gets a paper copy to put in the file.
Additional Information
21-Day Calendar 2024-2025
45-Day Calendar 2024-2025
Authorization to Release Information
Change in Placement
Consent to Invite Other Agencies
Documentation of Excusal
Documentation of Excusal (area NOT discussed)
Emotional Disturbance Evaluation Report
ESY Data Collection Sheet
ESY Documentation Form
IEP Agendas
IEP Procedural Manual
IEP Sign-in Sheet
Learning Disability Eligibility Form
Maine Care Consent
Maine Care ORRF
Maine Care Written Notification
Manifestation Determination Checklist
Procedural Safeguards
Referral Form
Special Education Regulations
Special Education Laws and Regulations on DOE
Summary of Performance
Teacher Input Form